I didn’t plan to not post anything in December, but every week rolled by and I wasn’t prepped, and I have disliked most of my non-prepared posts that I just skipped one, and another until December was over.
Moving forward I’m aiming to post at least once a month with something I really want to blog about. I may do more stories on Instagram and maybe make a reel for the first time since I won’t be posting every week on the blog.
I love plants but I can’t write about them forever – I am not a hardcore collector or trying to create the newest, coolest hybrid, and there are so many, more qualified people to talk about plant care. It makes me happy to branch out into other interests of mine because that’s what is filling my life currently. Plants are still there but not the main focus these last few months.
Speaking of plants I managed to get everything on my 2023 wish list! My favorite plant purchase of the year is my hoya serpens. That little dude is just going to town growing – doesn’t even look like the small, little plant I purchased for my birthday last year.
This year’s birthday for me is the big 30. So I want to get some major wish list plants this year for this special birthday. I really thought hard on what makes me happy when I see pictures of them and I came up with the below:
Hoya mathilde
Hoya chouke
Anthurium veitchii
Anthurium vittarifolium
Platycerium ridleyi
Hoya sarawak
Hoya polyneura
Hoya compacta
There are some other plants I would like to get, but not seeking out per se, and they’re mainly trailing plants. Like the philodendron heart leaf and the fern leaf cactus for example. I think I’d get cuttings of these plants since I am limited on space to put them in my apartment for now.
On my list is the IKEA vittsjo for my living room, and have it sit directly in front of a window and house 95% of my plants. It would free up some space in the office and make it look less littered with plants. Originally I didn’t like the look of plants all in one spot but it’s not realistic for me to have plants all over the apartment because I only have 3 good windows for them at moment. I could utilize grow lights but I don’t want too while I live in Arizona.
So that’s what I did.
I have all the wish plants and the vittsjo is currently looking cute right from where I’m sitting writing this. The plants look so good on it – wish I had gotten the bookshelf sooner.
It feels nice knowing my wish list is all done so I can focus on other things I want to do. While I was away from the blog I did a lot of reading, went paragliding, hung out with friends, and went hiking with family members. It was a solid way to end 2023.
I have some bucket list goals for this big birthday year and with those 30 smaller celebratory activities like see dinosaurs tracks or get a nose piercing. I’m excited to share them as I complete them, hopefully ahaha.
This year is going to be excited one way or another. It’ll be at least entertaining and something to laugh about later.