Random Thoughts

This month is going by so fast and I barely have any time to think about blogging my thoughts. Last week I had the time to post but I had no thoughts to post and decided to skip that week. I slightly felt bad but honestly it was relieving to not rush through a haphazard blog post. So for 2024, still figuring it out honestly, I might only post twice a month.

I was supposed to be doing embroidery this quarter and I have only done one evening with it. Some of my original plans are being put on the sideline but I’m having a great quarter doing things I didn’t plan. I put up the Christmas decor earlier than usual and been listening to Christmas music before thanksgiving which never happens ahaha.

I did some plant related things the last few weeks and went to Home Depot while my husband was at an appointment and found a leaf of a thanksgiving cactus on the floor. I literally stared at it for a minute deciding if I was gonna be that plant person or not.

I became that plant person. It’s currently in one of my prop containers ahaha. My pink flowering thanksgiving cactus is starting to bud up and I can’t wait to see it bloom. It’s been a whole year since it bloomed and I miss seeing those cute flowers. But while on the subject of blooms, my maranta bloomed and it was sooooo tiny and cute. Only one that I saw but hopefully that means it is enjoying life in my home.

I’m very happy with my life. Doesn’t mean it’s perfect but even with the bumps I am doing well. If you told me a few years ago I what I’m doing now I would have laughed in your face. It’s pretty amazing and I am blessed.

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