Forever Home

It’s been a whole day since the kitten went to her forever home, and the mix of emotions was undeniable. I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness as she was put into the car, though my primary concern was whether she’d settle in comfortably during these initial days.

My husband was incredibly supportive, knowing that my emotions might run high. In the end, I couldn’t hide my teary-eyed state when he checked in on me.

The worry gnawed at me until my friend sent over pictures and videos of my furry friend, exploring her new surroundings and snuggling with her new family. The relief was palpable as I received those images via text – a soothing balm to my anxious heart.

Seeing her curiosity and the love she was already receiving assured me that she was going to be just fine.

While I didn’t rush to clean up everything immediately, I did organize things into piles, planning to tackle them after work. Throughout the day, I found myself unconsciously listening for faint footsteps or meows that hinted at her getting into mischief. It turned out my husband was doing the same, and we shared a chuckle over it.

Having her with us was a joy, and I’m thrilled that she’s found a loving home with friends. My friends are over the moon about her arrival. And as for me, I’ll forever cherish the memory of that little furball with those big, inquisitive eyes peering at me from under a truck one hot Sunday afternoon.

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