
When I bought this cactus back in June, it had just started showing a tiny bud emerging. I remember thinking to myself, “It won’t be long, maybe just a couple of weeks, and it’ll be in full bloom.”

It’s now July and I’m worried that it might bloom while I’m away from home! I’m really hoping it decides to bloom in the next few days so that I can capture some beautiful pictures and appreciate its handiwork.

Taking care of this cactus has been such a breeze, and I adore its unique coloring. It really complements my rainbow hedgehog cactus nicely. Often, during my breaks from work, I find myself picking up the pot and simply admiring its beauty. There’s something so soothing and tranquil about being quiet and connecting with my plants; it truly brings me back to a healthy state of mind.

However, if I end up missing this much-awaited bloom, it will undoubtedly leave me feeling a bit upset and maybe even put me into an unhealthy mindset temporarily. But let’s hope for the best and keep our fingers crossed that it blooms while I’m still around to witness its glory!

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