It has been nearly a year since I found my tiny bear paws—I believe it will be one year at the end of July. Since then, it has grown so much!

I am incredibly proud of this succulent for making the journey from Michigan to Arizona without losing a single leaf. It was a much-needed boost for my exhausted mind when I arrived at the new apartment.
Initially, I kept it, along with a few other plants, in the office of my current apartment. However, I later moved it to the living room where it could get all of the afternoon sun.

I must admit, though it is growing steadily here, it seemed to adore the window in Michigan even more. It’s quite surprising because it receives more sunlight here, despite facing west, whereas the previous window faced south… but I have no complaints! This succulent is resilient and has adorable, soft, chunky paws that I can’t resist squeezing whenever I’m near it.

Right next to it, I have the variegated bear paws, which grow at a much slower pace than their green counterpart. I simply let them be and enjoy the process.
I am pretty pleased with myself for not killing this green bear paws, and I hope to keep it thriving for many years to come. It has become one of my favorite succulents.