I had the most amazing time in San Diego this past weekend celebrating my wedding anniversary. It was an absolute blast, and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Being with my husband always fills my life with so much happiness, light, and laughter.
One of the highlights of my trip was the scenic drive to San Diego. As we made our way, I was fascinated by the transition from cacti-filled terrain to a coastal landscape adorned with beautiful succulents. It was a fun and adventurous road trip that I thoroughly enjoyed.
During the visit, I stopped by Balboa Park with the intention of exploring the Botanical Building. Unfortunately, it was closed for renovations, which was a bit disappointing. However, meandering about, and to my surprise, I stumbled upon a group of people setting up tables and bringing out plants. I couldn’t contain my excitement! I mustered up the courage to approach two gentlemen and asked if there was a plant sale happening. They were incredibly kind and informed us that it was starting the following day.
You can’t even imagine my excitement! I practically skipped back to where my husband was standing, telling him about the plant sale. After spending the day exploring the park, I returned to the hotel, and I immediately googled Balboa Park and plant sale. To my astonishment, it turned out to be the San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society show and sale that was happening this weekend! Although it wasn’t high on my priority list, I knew I had to attend one of the days if possible.
The following day, I made my way to the San Diego Botanic Garden and it was an absolute delight. I was greeted by the most stunning staghorn ferns that immediately captured my attention. Later I whipped out my phone and did a Google search to see if I could find a reasonably priced one that could be shipped to me. Ahaha, the plant lover in me couldn’t be contained! my husband smirked when he saw me googling them.

To my sheer joy, I discovered they also had the majestic philodendron billietiae and the breathtaking anthurium veitchii. It was like stepping into a botanical wonderland. I was in awe of every single plant I laid my eyes on. The experience was simply amazing, and I couldn’t have asked for a better time.

On the last full day of my vacation I made it to the San Diego Cactus and Succulent plant sale and was greeted by an incredible variety of fascinating plants. My husband is terrible (in the best way) at enabling my plant addiction. Every time I pointed out a plant I liked, he would say, “Get it!” But honestly, I’m perfectly content just admiring these plants rather than owning them.
Among the cacti and succulents, I unexpectedly stumbled upon a display of hoyas. My heart did a little happy dance, and I made a beeline towards them, hoping to find something uncommon. And there it was – the mathilde hoya! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I excitedly blurted out to the woman next to me that I had always wanted of seeing a mathilde in person. Later, I noticed the same woman meticulously inspecting every pot of mathildes before finally deciding on one to add to her collection. It was such a funny and heartwarming moment.
There was also this stunning variegated boobie cactus that caught my attention. I couldn’t believe they didn’t have someone guarding these precious and expensive plants!

In the end, I did purchase a cactus, and I must say, it’s incredibly cute! I genuinely hope it thrives and has a long, fulfilling life with me. Its ribbing and coloring are absolutely mesmerizing, and to top it all off, it even has a bloom on the way. It’s like the perfect anniversary gift – a living memory of this fantastic weekend.