2023 Wish List Update

Hey there, it’s almost June, halfway through the year already, and I wanted to give an update on the plants and accessories that were on my wish list for 2023. Guess what? I managed to get all the plants I wanted! Woohoo! I must say, my favorites are definitely the hoya serpens and the dracaenas.

I got them pretty quickly, to be honest. I was in a bit of a rush. I ordered the dracaenas around late January, and although they’re slow growers, I absolutely love them. The dracaena ehrenbergii banana hasn’t shown much growth, and the dracaena pinguicula only put out a single new leaf. But I’m not complaining, because they’re a delight to look at and require minimal care.

A few months later, for my birthday, I treated myself to the hoya serpens, which made it extra special. I was a bit anxious at first, worried that I might accidentally underwater it and witness it wither away before my eyes. But thankfully, my fears never came true, and it’s flourishing beautifully. I adore the tiny growth it produces, even smaller than the hoya carnosa. It’s currently sitting in a terrarium, thriving without me underwatering it.

I’m tempted to remove it from the terrarium and try putting it on a trellis now.

Compared to the hoya carnosa, the hoya serpens is delicate and petite, but I love them both equally. I understand why people become obsessed with hoyas; they’re just so fascinating and visually appealing. By the way, I’m not trying to boast, but my hoya carnosa currently has 5-7 peduncles. I must admit, I scared my husband and my sister-in-law’s partner when I gasped in excitement and freaked out for a solid five minutes. I felt a bit embarrassed afterward, but I quickly got over it.

The last plant on my wish list was the scindapsus argyraeus. I wasn’t in a hurry to find one, as I knew it was fairly common and would eventually come my way. Secretly, I was hoping to stumble upon one at the Desert Botanical Garden, and guess what? My wish came true when I visited the garden one evening with my sister-in-law and her partner. I was overjoyed, and that plant holds a special place in my heart because of where I acquired it.

I didn’t manage to get much else from the accessories section of my list, except for this beautiful air plant wall hanger that my husband got for me. It brings me so much joy to see my air plants displayed there (although sadly, a couple of them have passed on and ended up in the trash).

In the evening, when the evening sun casts its warm glow on the wall hanger, it looks absolutely stunning. I adore it. Oh, and I also purchased a plastic terracotta pot from West Elm for my avocado tree. It was on sale for a steal, around $13 or so. It was such a great deal that I couldn’t resist. For now, my avocado tree sits on top of it, but by the end of the year, it’ll be replanted in its new home.

I’m incredibly happy with the new additions to my plant family this year. I’m currently enjoying the plants I have, which gives me a sense of contentment. I don’t stress about constantly needing something new anymore. It’s refreshing to have other hobbies and find solace in listening to books, taking my mind off plants. They no longer occupy 100% of my thoughts, and it feels great. Of course, I already have a wish list for 2024 because, well, I love plants ahaha.

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