Impulse buying doesn’t end up well for me and I usually get upset with myself because they’re plants I’ve obsessed over recently and THOUGHT I loved them.
So I completely shamed impulse buying, but realistically that’s pretty harsh on ones self. I guess in a sense the impulsing I’m talking about isn’t like completely without thinking through things, but people go out to eat or buy clothing they eventually find out they don’t love and why can’t it be this way with plants for me? I could die tomorrow or whatever and I should do what makes me happy (within reason and be logical with my money and make sure my obligations are met).
I think I looked at impulse buying from the wrong angle. Impulse buying plants that weren’t on my wish list were big letdowns, and I think it’s because I truly didn’t love them and didn’t research everything under the sun about them. I got into a temporary obsession on the impulse buys. 98% of my wish list plants are things I have researched for hours. (I have 2 lists going. The first one is the current year’s plant wish list taken from the second list which is my everything plant list.)
I am definitely slowing down on the plants I want to get because I’m running out of space to put them, and I become anxious when there are too many things on surfaces or I FEEL like the apartment is cluttered ahaha. I think once I have a house I’ll go heavy in the plant hobby again knowing I will have dedicated space where I don’t have to move them in order to live my daily life.
But on top of the space logistics, I really don’t have a lot I want to get. They’re in genera I have never own and want to make sure I can put all my focus on them. They’re not the most expensive plants for folks in the plant hobby, but they are too me, and I’ve wanted these for quite a while.
It’s just a waiting game now for those, and it’s okay for me to buy a plant and end up not liking it. I have to accept that personally. No one has made me feel like I should love everything I buy, it’s just a rule I created in my head I have to unlearn.
On top of that, I may be done creating yearly wish lists plants because it puts too much stress on me to stay in those bounds, and I make myself feel guilty if I want a plant that’s not on my yearly wish list.
Basically I’m trying to unlearn some mental barriers I created for myself in my plant hobby. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna be buying plants every time the urge strikes me but be more forgiving of myself when things don’t work out the way I want it too.