What Trellis Style for My Hoya

I found out I do not like hanging plants. Watering them thoroughly is hard and impossible when I have to water lightly from where they hang, but I couldn’t fit a saucer in the hanger, so I was taking them out of the macrame hangers every time I needed to water them. Every time I pulled them from the hangers I thought I was going to rip off leaves but luckily I never did.

So I started looking for what type of trellis I wanted my Hoya to grow on. My scindapsus exotica is currently on a chain trellis that my husband for my birthday last year. I really like the look of the obelisk style, but the more I went down that road I realized it would be better once the Hoya was a floor plant, and she’s definitely not there yet. She’s not a 4 inch plant, but she’s not full for me to put on the floor if that makes sense. In my eyes she’s definitely a tabletop plant still.

So I moved on from obelisk to a circle trellis and I do like those, but I am not feeling it for the carnosa. I think I honestly prefer small leave plants on the trellis if I’m honest with myself when I go through the photos I saved of plants on a circle trellis – I definitely want to put the Hoya serpens on a circle trellis when I finally get one.

The main thing I can’t figure out is what size do I get if I buy a trellis? I don’t want it too big because it’s just gonna be ugly looking until the carnosa fills it out, and I know I’ll probably be moving out of state at the beginning of fall this year, so I don’t want to deal with a large trellis in my car. I could probably go small and just wrap the vines around each other, but will that appear messy? Is it obvious I’ve never used a trellis before? I want to build one myself but I think I’ll do that down the road, and save the creativity for another avenue ahaha. I have way too many planty supplies in this apartment I don’t want to add anymore yet.

I’ll find something for my hoya carnosa and get her staked up eventually. Hopefully once on a trellis she takes off with more leaves, and perhaps later a peduncle if I’m blessed. Fingers crossed ahaha.

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