I did it. I honestly thought I wouldn’t be able to get everything on the wish list for 2022 but I did get all of them except 2.
Peace lily sensation
Scindapsus exotica ✔️
Prince of Orange ✔️
Bear paw variegated ✔️
Astrophytum ✔️
Monkey tail cactus ✔️
Cereus forbesii spiralis ✔️
Lophocereus schottii monstrose ✔️
Tephrocactus geometricus
It still blows my mind that I own a cereus spiralis and the lophocereus spiralis. At the nursery that I picked both up at, they had the lophocereus monstrose as well and I couldn’t figure out which version I wanted, so I had my husband pick which one he preferred and the spiralis won. I love all the cacti I bought this year – they are hands down my fave.
I didn’t get the variegated bear paws version but I’m so happy with my green fuzzy bear. I can’t believe it started out with just a single stem to where it’s now at. I think the south sun really did the trick.
side note, I found out there is a third baby coming up on the same day my twin sister told me she’s expecting her second kiddo! So crazy cool!
The tephrocactus geometricus is on my Christmas/birthday list so it’s still possible I might get it this year, but I highly doubt it.
The peace lily sensation I knew was gonna be a stretch it get it, but I didn’t see one in any store I visited or felt the need to purchase one online. It may be the first plant I buy when I get my first house though. That would be icing on the cake.
It’s so nice looking back at this year’s wish list and know every plant I bought I really, really love. I need to remember that feeling when I create my 2023 wish list and really try to stay away from impulse buying plants. While I like the impulse plants, I do not love them, and when I get overwhelmed they’re the first in my mind on the get rid of list….
It was a solid year for plants and I can’t wait to see the progress they make in the coming new year. And of myself as a growing plant hobbyist and as a woman in general.