A few days ago I was watching a video from Harli G and she found a Chameleon ZZ plant at a Home Depot or Lowe’s and I was taken by surprise because I have never seen this, and I’ve looked at different varieties of ZZ before but it looks like it’s not super new?
Anyways, I am not really interested in it but it’s just stuck in my head. It doesn’t help my raven ZZ plant is the common area of my apartment so it’s right in my face.
It appeals to me but also doesn’t? I think it looks a little sick with the light colors that slowly fade into the dark green but I also like the darker veins and edges when the leaves start to age.
I’m not getting it now but I might down the road. I think for this one I will have to see it person to gauge if I really like this color/growth pattern at all. I adore the raven ZZ so much – the new, green growth is adorable clash against the black, mature leaves.
But darn it I wasn’t looking to add another plant to my wish list but here I go again!