Hanging Plants Are Hard

I bought some macrame hangers a while ago and have been using them for the last couple of months. I’m not a fan honestly. It’s hard getting the planters in and out of them to water, so I usually delay the inevitable and have a lot of yellow leaves because of it.

Come spring when the cacti can be moved back out permanently, I will stop hanging my three plants, and place them where the cacti sit at night currently ahaha.

I wasn’t a trellis or hanging plant gal but unless I find easier ways to hang these plants I will be moving them to a trellis. My hoya I can tell really wants to climb but she’s doing well in the west window – she’ll be fine for now. My global green grows like a weed when I water it in a timely manner. I’m gonna have to give her a trim and prop the cuttings so I can fill out the other side. I want to pot her up with my emerald pothos but that one is definitely slow growing  it’s not even half the size of the global green. 

Maybe for my 2023 goals should be to make  macrame hangers that are designed for my plants…. I was already wanting to try my hand at macrame next year, but this might be a good motivator. That actually may do the trick but I still think for my hoya I will trellis her.

Now I need to google everything about macrame before I buy materials, wish me luck! Ahaha. 

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