It happened. I knew that notify me when available would finally come in handy and it did not disappoint!
Two years ago I came across the echinocereus vivediflorus canus and immediately took a liking to it. I loved the spikes and the bright pink was right up my alley. It just wasn’t in stock so I entered my email and saved the page to revisit here and there down the road.
Fast forward to October 20, 2022 and I’m in my PJs in bed with my husband, discussing random things about our day and laughing at the funny stuff we had found during the day – normal winding down for us.
While talking about plants and I went into my email to check it before going to bed, and there it was: the holy grail e-mail stating something was restocked.
I knew instantly it could only be 1 of 2 cacti I had requested notification on from that company and I gasped so suddenly my husband thought something was wrong.
I showed him the email saying it’s a wish list plant. I couldn’t believe it was finally available after so long! My husband encouraged me to buy it and oh my word that was it, and I ordered it. I have never ordered anything so fast in my life besides the Nintendo Switch….ahahaha
The order confirmation came in and I was STOKED. I couldn’t believe it was arriving on Monday!
The next morning after I’d been working for a few hours, I checked my email to find an email from the company with sad news.
When they went to grab the cactus they noticed it wasn’t doing so well and offered me a refund or a different cactus of my choice. I was bummed and was going to go the refund route when I remembered I did see the sulcorebutia sunrise on the website…..
So I asked for the sunrise and it’s adorable albeit smaller than expected ahahaha. I cannot wait to see how it grows and then blooms. The flowers are one of my favorites!
So I did end up with a wish list plant just not the one I originally thought I was getting ahaha.