I’ve really been getting into cacti and I love all that I own, but my heart still belongs to the rainbow hedgehog and the monkey tails so far. Don’t tell the others, please.
I always told myself I would sell them or give them away once I left Arizona, but now I’m not so sure. Not so sure I could because they really do bring me joy when I see them….
So I looked up greenhouses, solariums, and sunrooms, and while they all offer advantages and their own downsides, I really want a solarium if I moved back to Michigan, or even in Idaho, but a sunroom would probably be best there.
I would settle for a greenhouse don’t get me wrong, but I want to see them in my living space and not something out of sight like a grow tent. But I will get a greenhouse if it means I can keep my cacti forever, ahaha. Not trying to knock a grow tent or a greenhouse I just prefer the others right now.
But there’s no way I can afford either one for quite a while so it’ll have to be a greenhouse prebuilt or buy a house with a sunroom, the chances are low for the last option….
But a woman can dream right? I’d move all my cacti into the solarium and then most of my houseplants there except my favorites, and then perhaps try my hand at some plants that do well on planks in the rest of the house as statement pieces, instead of going gung-ho on furniture and whatnot.
I haven’t researched what the best placement would be but I immediately thought south facing or at least west facing, but that’ll all depend on what house we settle in for 3+ years ahaha.
These are all pipe dreams but down the road I’d like something. I don’t have to worry about my cacti growing well in another state for quite a few months.
I should be concerned about the weather dropping into the high 60s and learning at what point do I need to bring them in overnight.
And top dressings. I won’t be repotting most of them for a while but I do need to get a top dressing for everyone, ahahaha. They look so blah and bare without anything to glam them up!
Anyway, that’s what has been on my mind this whole week. Welcome to my mind ahaha.