Refresh Your Bedding

While I’m actually purging some of the stuff in my closets and cabinets as I’m about to move apartments, I’m shopping for bedding as I have friends from Idaho arriving next week and I have nothing for them! The stuff I giveaway doesn’t matter as I’m constantly bringing something into the apartment, ahaha.

But when plants are concerned they don’t have bedding per se but soil, ahaha. I noticed a decline in my kiwis after their battle with mealybugs but last month I saw they were going downhill further….

I knew it wasn’t just summer dormancy but probably due to bad soil. I had potted them up in their current terracotta pots in late 2020 and haven’t updated anything since then…..

So I repotted them a couple of weeks ago and oh my gosh I feel awful. It was mainly just roots with a smidgen of soil but it was just plain ol’ dirt at this point. It was so bad I didn’t take any photos for myself to show I repotted them because it was so bad. So very, very bad.

After that I panicked thinking about my rainbow hedgehog which I’ve had only a year, and the following day I repotted that bad girl and she definitely needed it but was in much better condition than the kiwis thank goodness!

The substrate used might play a role in how long a person could go in between refreshing soil, but I know in my first year I didn’t have the best soil or add in anything to help with the nutrients and whatnot.

I’ve learned my lesson ahaha. I’m hoping they look better in the next month – just in time for a move to a new apartment, ahaha.

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