Juvenile Form to Mature Form

Baby plants always get me and very rarely will I buy a super mature plant because I enjoy watching it grow from a tiny thing to a large plant – very rewarding and fun for me!

Most plants I love the juvenile and their mature forms but there are some plants that I can’t get passed their mature form. This is a personal preference and in no way do I hate on peoples plants if they have one!

When I first got into plants I saw the calathea rattlesnake plant and immediately wanted it but didn’t pull the trigger until last year; actually, now that I’m thinking of it, I’ve owned this plant for a year! I bought it when it was super little, I mean really little, so much so that it didn’t have the signature little dots on the leaves and wouldn’t do the prayer plant movements at all! I was nervous the seller sent me the wrong plant initially but six months later all the leaves its pushing out now have the signature smaller dark green dots and it does the prayer movements everyday. The original leaves were shorter than my thumb and oh, so cute! I originally bought a 2 inch plant I swear. The purple underside is adorable and the leaf pattern is unique compared to most of plants. It’s one of my favorite plants I own. Just an example of how little I get my plants generally, ahaha.

Anyways, one of the plant types that I don’t like the mature form on is the astrophytum. I love when they’re little but seeing photos of older versions of themselves I’m not so sure I want to get one. Maybe it’ll grow on me if I do, ahaha – stole that one from my husband.  I did have one on my plant wish list but I’ll wait on getting one.

They are very slow growing so I have that going for me, but I feel meh for thinking of buying a plant to have a few years and then sell it later when it becomes “undesirable” to me….

I’m a sucker for the ooibo kabuto variety though, so if I see one like that I will probably get it without a second thought. Hands down it wouldn’t even be a fight if I saw one like that, ahaha.

On the flip side, the plant that I’m not a fan of the juvenile stage but like the mature form is the Syngonium rayii. I’ve seen the rayii with the strips and I’m like nah, doesn’t grab me, but I saw a picture of a mature form and didn’t even realize it was a Syngonium let alone the rayii, ahaha. I’m a noob with Syngonium and not currently interested in picking one up yet, even though Harli G has warmed me to them a little to them but still not gonna bite yet, ahaha.


Most plants I totally enjoy their baby forms and their adult forms alike. While visiting Arizona I saw some amazing astrophytum that were definitely old enough to be a parent of mine, and I feel like I’ve changed my opinion a little since then on astrophytum but not enough that I’m going out to buy one immediately.

I have the cacti itch since visiting Arizona but not like I usually get. I have other hobbies and priorities that I want too do before spending some cashola, ahaha. It’s nice having my interests spread out instead of just hyper focused on plants. I’m not pining over what others have even when I see something cool and new. It feels nice!

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