Plant Mama

In my family I’m the plant lady – not at the level of like crazy cat lady, but I talk about them here and there and definitely show everyone new leaf pics, ahahaha.

For Mother’s Day in 2021 I ordered a jade pothos for my mom as she was wanting to get some houseplants since she could focus on them more now.

She’s been giving me updates here and there on the plant and out of the blue she sent a picture of a cutting in a jar.

I was so happy to see she remembered what I told her about pothos and how to prop it. Even my husband will remember random tidbits I just ramble away at him which is so nice he pays attention even if it’s not his favorite thing, ahaha. (The cats are not allowed in her plant room so the door is kept shut at all times).

It’s been fun bouncing stuff off her and seeing what she wants for plants. I love showing plants I think she might like and keeping tally. She wants more trailing plants in macrame hangers and I think that’s just adorable. It’s funny because I wanted to get more hanging plants this year as I have a ton of tabletop plants that’ll eventually turn into floor plants  I guess daughter like mother is a thing ahaha.

She surprised me with a money tree plant a few weeks ago while buying one herself. Hers is actually taking off compared to mine so I’ll have to see what she’s doing differently with care and sun schedule. I have new growth coming in but hers just looks well rounded and larger leaves than me. Oh well, I haven’t killed mine yet and don’t plan on it if I can help it! It’s nice to have a hobby we both share and enjoy!

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