Musical Chairs

Spring is slowly coming around in Michigan and the natural, direct light is getting stronger and staying around longer but it’s still throwing some snow and rainy days into the forecast so I’ve only seen a couple days of 60 degree days so far.

With spring “here” I was getting cabin fever in my apartment after having a couple nice days in a row, that I just decided to rearrange where my plants sit and it feels refreshing and as a bonus the plants feel new again, ahaha. I’m so ready to have the balcony door open to let in fresh air. I finally bought a magnetic screen door for the balcony door and it’s going to be so nice for spring before the humidity comes back in full force as the temps go up, and then it’ll be mornings and late evenings that I’ll have the door open. Hopefully I don’t invite pests in by doing that but I want that fresh air!

I also repotted 2 plants and it felt nice to get a couple more plants into white pots. I’m slowly moving most of my plants into white pots and I’m loving it. I love the look of white pots while being different in the shapes, textured, etc. I updated my potting substrate finally! No longer just potting soil and tons of perlite, ahaha. Sad it took me a couple years to change it up but in my defense I haven’t needed to repot anything (maybe also due to laziness but that’s besides the point).

With all that said it feels wonderful to move plants around and updating pots even if it was just 2 plants in all, ahaha. I did a headcount and I am at 34 plants and I’m maxed out mentally and in the space I want to give up to plants. But darn it I love them all!

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