Ah the dreaded downsizing word. Did I fail? Overwhelmed with plants? Depressed? Done with the hobby for right now?
None of the above are my reasons. They are valid reasons to downsize the amount of houseplants. There are multiple reasons to downsize a collection and I would say 98% are valid, ahaha. You can always get rid of plants for any reason and people shouldn’t get upset or look down others for it.
I think people get hung up on believing plants have feelings closer to animals but in reality they don’t. And I thought the same way too, trust me. I think after owning plants and then having a few die helped with the realization that they’re literally just plants, ahaha.
My reason for downsizing is I just don’t like certain plants anymore. To be fair to the plants, they were impulse buys and I just wanted the rush of new plants entering my home. They are solid plants but don’t get the love they deserve.
So if they don’t die within the next couple of months I am planning on downsizing some houseplants and succulents late spring to make room for some wish list plants (planning on getting at least 5 from the list) and giving away 5-6 so it sort of cancels it out but I’m replacing the non-loved plants with ones I am sooooooo excited to own.
I can’t describe how excited I am to own them. I keep pulling up photos of all of them, figuring out what pot I want to use, and imaging what they’ll look like in my apartment. I have the month picked out for which one I’ll get and I almost want to make a count down but that is going a bit too far.
I’m excited for the plants I plan on bringing home and don’t feel bad at all about rehoming healthy plants (yet), ahaha.