Sharing Knowledge with Little Ones

My sister is due this month and it’s getting surreal that she’s going to be a mom – that she and her husband are bringing this little person into this world. I’m excited to meet the little man.

It got me thinking about sharing knowledge with little ones and to be honest if I had one or two kids I already have a few plant ideas that I bounce back and forth to buy when they’re born and give to them when they move out or give them some hefty cuttings of the plants.

That’s the materialistic side of things. The potential of sharing the knowledge, love, and participation in the hobby with a kiddo is a dream of mine that I didn’t think of in my teens or early 20s, and it’s kind of exciting to not always think of myself getting something to feel nice and warm inside; although, I would be getting something out of sharing knowledge and talking about houseplants with kids.

I don’t know what the future holds concerning kids or no kids for Mr. Wolf and I, but I hope if we do have kiddos they are understanding of their mom pointing out every plant in a store or office and their dad preparing himself for his first expedition into outer space.

Anyways, before I flew out to Idaho for a trip to visit family, I found out that a couple of my air plants were sending out pups! I couldn’t believe it ‘cause I thought they only pupped after their death bloom but apparently some types of air plants pup anytime. Aren’t they so cute?!


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