I love seeing peoples wish list and how it changes over time and what remains on that list throughout the many edits made.
Since I first posted my wish list of plants a few months ago, I’ve listed it again below, it’s been more than slightly altered, ahaha, but I’ve listed my 2021 list below.
2021 Wish List
Strelitzia Reginae
Scindapsus Exotica
Philodendron Heart Leaf
Alocasia Calidora
Sansevieria Cleopatra
Cotyledon Tomentosa- Bear Paw
Euphorbia Bupleurifolia
Echinocereus Viridiflorus Canus
Echinocereus Rusanthus Vulpicandae
Graptoveria Lovely Rose
Pachyphytum Compactum
Sulcorebutia Rauschii – variegated
Crassus Tomentosa
Echeveria Chroma
Nelumbo or Nymphaea bowl garden
Some of these I laughed at cause they were really fleeting likes and deep down I didn’t love them or go crazy over them like some other plants I see in my Reddit or YouTube feed. I wanted people to be wowed by the plants but I truly didn’t love them.
I wanted others to be impressed by what I had rather than me enjoying them in my heart.
So I just scraped my list and browsed my social media feeds for a bit to see what I truly gravitated towards. And I finally landed on a few plants.
2022 Wish List
Peace lily sensation
Scindapsus exotica
Prince of Orange
Bear paw variegated
Monkey tail cactus
Cereus forbesii spiralis
Lophocereus (now pachycereus) schottii monstrose
Tephrocactus geometricus
I’ve basically slashed my succulent plants from my 2021 list which is hilarious because I. Love. Succulents.
And when I mean succulents I really mean cacti.
In my opinion they are better than most regular houseplants, but I am really picky with what I like as I know I will have them for a very long time and they don’t change quickly, or at all, compared to traditional houseplants.
The updated wish list is what I plan on getting for sure except the peace lily sensation – I currently do not have the space for such a large plant in my apartment unless we move into a bigger apartment it will just have to wait sadly. When I saw a mature peace lily sensation I honestly mistook it as a bird of paradise at first, ahaha.
I have one cactus that I’m iffy on which is the astrophytum – I love the “juvenile” form rather than the mature form and it’s sort of a no for me. They are really slow growing so if I find one I REALLY like then I might buy one but we’ll see how that goes.
The lophocereus and tephrocactus would have been on my wish list earlier but with my practical personality I couldn’t get over how big they would get eventually and wrote them off, chalking it up to never being able to have them in my house or outside and that was that….. but they don’t get big overnight and when they do outgrow my media console I will figure out a way to keep them thriving or sale them.
I am not a trailing/climbing plant fan – I think the potential to be messy looking turns me away from them, but I do like the look of the scindapsus exotica so it’s staying on my wish list; however, I have always admired the monkey tail cactus and realized it would be fantastic as a non-messy hanging plant and it’s a cactus so it combines my two favorite things, ahaha.
Some of the plants that I removed from my wish list remained on my interested list so it doesn’t mean they’re completely out – just not a priority right now.
I am so excited for my wish that I really want to buy something now even though its winter in my state, so on Jan 1st I ordered a plant from my wish list and it hasn’t shipped yet and we have a snow storm blowing through for a few days now. Ugh.
My 2022 wish list doesn’t mean I’m going to get everything that is listed on it this year but at least a couple for sure. I have to remind myself it’s not a race to get all the plants I really want in one year. I do want time to enjoy the couple I get before buying another plant. I am very excited for this years plant list and I can’t wait to see what happens, ahaha.