Pottery Anyone?

For a couple years now my husband and I at the end of the year pick out goals we want to learn, a new hobby, and places to visit for the coming new year.

Some of the goals never come to fruition or are late bloomers.

Sometimes the initial way I wanted to learn a hobby or start something isn’t the way it works out later. One of my ideas in 2020 was to start a blog – what about I couldn’t decide – it was a toss up between drawing or fashion stuff and honestly knew deep down it wasn’t going to work out so I dropped it. I liked those subjects but couldn’t see it entertaining myself for very long. I admired what established bloggers/vloggers had but it wasn’t the lifestyle I wanted at the end of the day. Looking back I’m glad nothing came about.

At the beginning of 2021 I penciled in some hopes for the coming year under the ones I was committing too and one of them was the blog idea again. Later in the year my husband saw my notes for blog ideas and said I should have a blog about plants – something just for me to look back on to see my progression or where the plants went or how big they got.

A few months later Birdie Wolf was created. Thank you a million times over, Mr. Wolf! I love that man so much.

My grandmother’s thanksgiving cactus that finally landed in my care

So for 2022 I wanted to learn something that could become a hobby and my plants might benefit from it. Pottery popped into my mind and I can sign up for a pottery class for beginners and go from there if I really enjoy it.

I don’t know if I’m going to like pottery but I won’t know unless I try! It seems like places that have classes offer clubs as well which I can join and they have kilns to use with discounted fees. So even though I won’t be stepping foot into a class until sometime next year I’m already looking into everything, ahaha. I like to prep a ton if I can.

And if I don’t like pottery for myself at least I tried something new and learned about something in the process. Or it could be a hobby for a couple years and I put it away for good – I don’t know how it’ll turn out but whichever way it goes it’s okay. Not all of my passions can be long term but be a fun short term experience.

To be honest I am looking forward to meeting people who are newbies like myself and working together to produce a decent cylinder or bowl then anything for my plants, ahaha.

This is my final blog for 2021. While 2022 holds a few unknowns which makes the planner in me feel mild anxiety and not in control I’m also excited at the same time – I’m looking forward to see what comes my way, who I meet, and what I learn from 2022. I’m excited to see what plants join my household and how big my current ones become.

I thought by December my enjoyment for blogging and Instagram posting would be over but every Wednesday I get a bit giddy prepping my posts and even if I don’t get a single like on a picture I at least posted something I liked.

And I enjoyed every minute of it.

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