
Growth. That particular word has so many meanings and symbols related to it, but for me it’s the giddy excitement at seeing the new life on my plants (plus personal growth and maturity is nice when I notice it, ahaha).

My peace lily is my favorite plant I own and she is constantly pushes out new growth and in October she went bonkers on pushing out new leaves, that I was a little surprised that there wasn’t a couple flowers with them. I’ll have to see in a few weeks after the new leaves come out fully to see if she’ll produce flowers. I don’t know why I care so much for the flowers when I know I’ll snip them for the Wolf family sanity concerning allergies….

Anyways, I ordered a few dracaenas earlier this year and 2 out of 3 gave me new growth within the first month so I chalked it up to the seller/nursery’s environment instead of my care, but not long after more growth emerged and I was stoked! My samurai dracaena still hasn’t given me any new growth but its pretty small still and doing fine. I have it in a pot that is probably too roomy for its liking that its just spending its time producing roots instead of pushing out new leaves. That’s still growth, ahaha.

Now my Raven ZZ plant….I bought that little guy in June and purposely bought it small. I live in an apartment and knew they can get quite big and quickly for some people. This guy pretty much grew roots and bulbs rather leaves which is fine but I was so excited to see the contrast between the dark leaves and the light green of the new growth…it just never happened.

I made a post about needing to repot the raven ZZ plant ‘cause it was starting to deform the nursery pot I originally planted it in. Well, today that I’m writing this post, (November 7……) I finally bought soil to repot it and there is a new stalk coming up! I was so flabbergasted to see it. It wasn’t there last time I watered the plant which was early October!

I’m excited to see what the new stalk looks like for the ZZ plant eventually. I am so ready for it to make its debut!

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