I bought these two peperomias in April of this year and I completely regret buying them. I’ve impulsed bought a few plants since getting into houseplants and these just don’t cut it for me. They are solid plants and haven’t given me any grieve but I just don’t love them.
I should say it isn’t plant regret but more of bad self control that resulted in me buying plants just because I wanted more plants. Literally a few days after I bought these two I was like why did I do that?
I’ve seen video after video of folks selling or gifting plants that they don’t click with anymore or because they are returning to a somewhat pre-COVID lifestyle. I completely get why folks want to downsize their collection to just keep the plants they really love and when I first saw videos come out I was like you’ve got to be kidding – why spend the money if you’re not going to keep them?
I get it now.
Besides the peperomias and just bad self control, the main reasons for decluttering my collection would be I’m bored of the plant or I don’t love the plant anymore. Plain and simple. I get like childish at the thought of giving away plants like a child who is suddenly interested in a toy he/she hasn’t played with in a long time when the parents are now going to donate it. It does help me to think that currently any of the plants I decide to giveaway I can get them easily.
So probably next year before Mr. Wolf and I move into a new apartment I’ll giveaway a few plants that aren’t doing it for me anymore as I’m sure someone else will love them more than I did.