I was generously gifted a sad looking plant that I had no idea what it was. I wish I had taken a photo the week I got it to show how bad it really was but the picture above is probably a couple months after I got it. The previous owner received it as a gift and the cat decided to eat most of the leaves. Looking at the picture now it needed way more light than it was getting – live and learn!
I always heard if you bring a plant back from the dead you’ll love it more than your most expensive or variegated plant. And that claim is so true. It’s definitely not my most beautiful plant but it makes me happy when I see it since it turned around.
I believe this is a type of kalanchoe (or something else?) and its name is Even Steven, named graciously by Mr. Wolf himself. I couldn’t figure out what it wanted forever! It was in such a sorry state for so long that I almost gave up on it. Eventually I figured out I was underwatering the poor thing (real shocker there with my track record) and with it sitting in my south facing window it finally turned around. It even sun stressed pink edges and it’s so adorable!
I’m hoping Even Steven does well under the grow light for the winter and keeps that nice pink edging. I’ve heard they eventually become leggy with age and if that is true, I’ll eventually have to figure out what to do with it ‘cause I’m sad in just thinking about chop and propping my comeback kid.
Even though it’s not very compact and at its best form it’s still one of my favorite plants in my apartment and I love it so.