Wish List

Sometimes the impulse to buy everything that I go woo over bites me but I have to put the plant down or stop looking it up online and focus on something else. It helps me to walk away remembering what’s on my wish list, the impulse buys I regret, and that the plant I’m currently looking at isn’t going to disappear forever.

I’ve impulsed bought 4 plants and 2 of them I regret – they’re pretty but I’m not gonna cry if they kick the bucket eventually somehow. There’s a 50/50 chance I’m going to dislike this impulse buy and it’s taking a spot that could have been filled with a wish list plant.

That said I’m not in a rush to get the plants on my wish list. To be honest, I have 33 plants (12 air plants, 7 succulents/cacti, and the rest are not needy plants) and there are days when I feel overwhelmed with the thought of watering and maintaining them all.

At the end of the day I want to own plants, not have them own me, and they have to fit the space available in my home. I don’t need myself, Mr. Wolf, or any guest to be attacked by plants upon entering my establishment, ahaha.

I enjoy the plants I have currently and if one check’s out I’ll find a new plant for that pot; although, I love hunting Pinterest for unique planters. I find it’s just as much fun in finding a good pot or ways to incorporate the plant into my space as it is buying the plant. When I get the itch to buy or feel bored with my collection I’ll try to change cover pots every quarter or rearrange my collection – move them to different rooms if possible. It helps me and I find it makes me fall in love with the plants again.

Building a collection of plants and planters takes time – it does for any hobby! So enjoy the journey and take to heart what you learn on the way.


Wish List

Strelitzia Reginae – Orange Bird of Paradise

Scindapsus Exotica

Philodendron Heart Leaf

Alocasia Calidora

Sansevieria Cleopatra

Cotyledon Tomentosa – Bear Paw

Euphorbia Bupleurifolia

Echinocereus Viridiflorus Canus

Echinocereus Rusanthus Vulpicandae

Graptoveria Lovely Rose


Pachyphytum Compactum

Sulcorebutia Rauschii – variegated

Crassus Tomentosa

Echeveria Chroma

Nelumbo or Nymphaea bowl garden

I don’t know if it’s just me but succulents and cacti don’t stress me out like regular houseplants do, so I see myself getting more succulents and a couple more cacti than regular houseplants because I feel like they’re easier when in reality they just have different requirements than traditional houseplants.

Eventually in a more permanent home, I would love to get the bigger plants on my list and try my hand at a lotus bowl. I think they would be beautiful statement pieces and just be fun to have. I’m not a huge climbing/trailing plant fan but having an accent wall or something along those lines with a scindapsus or philodendron from my list above would be fantastic!

Gotta dream big and put goals down in writing to keep me centered otherwise nothing will happen, ahaha.

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